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Galactic Order (G)alactic (R)epublic (M)ilitary

Mission Statement

The Mission of the Galactic Order:


To provide a high-quality unique and memorable gaming experience to all individuals on a global scale. We strive to give our members a chance to always have someone to connect with on multiple consoles in a fun, safe, and family-friendly environment. Over the years, we have become an ever-evolving organization that is consistently expanding our member’s skill sets through leadership development programs. We believe the community should be built on more than just games but bonds of friendship, a sense of belonging to one large family, and a chance to show off your skills. Thus, due to our beliefs we do our best to integrate your real-world knowledge with the online world allowing each member to contribute their own skills and learn from others in a fun way. Speaking of fun, we hold nightly events on every game we offer in addition to sponsoring our gamers; and offering in house tournaments. The Key Values we stand for are Loyalty, Knowledge, Honor, Family, Respect, Innovation, Integrity, and Fun.


Feel free to use some quick links to learn more about the community. 

*Note that you will need an account on the website before you can view several pages.


Partnership Opportunities

Roster System

Extra - Life

Advanced Training Program



Clan Upvotes

Games Played



26th Nov 2024 - 11:20pm

Some versions of the 3 Patti Blue app offer offline modes, enabling users to play against AI opponents without requiring an internet connection Visit this website and download 3 Patti Blue for android.  This flexibility ensures that the game remains accessible even in areas with limited connectivity. On the other hand, online modes provide real-time competition with players worldwide, creating a dynamic and challenging environment.


22nd May 2023 - 4:15pm

i am wondering wether I can be added to the warframe clan? my username is dqelit#087. thanks!


28th Mar 2023 - 8:45pm

I would like to have an invite if possible  I'm very interested in getting into your clan

warframe  PS4

in game name : X1x_KHAIMERA_x1X


28th Oct 2019 - 5:30pm

I made an application and then realized that they do not have WoW in their game list - will have to withdraw my application


9th Oct 2019 - 1:42pm

Could I please join PS4 anthem and Destiny 2 clan. I'm new to Destiny 2 and finding it a little overwhelming. I have no idea where to go.


9th Aug 2019 - 4:33am

I appreciate the invitation into your clan. Seems like it would be pretty cool but i run my own clan currently! Thanks again 

TG Coward

29th Jul 2019 - 6:24pm

I have recieved a invite and filled out a application to join, when will i know about if i made it or not been 12ish hours atm. I will say im on holiday from this Wednesday for 11days


23rd Jul 2019 - 5:07am

Appreciate invite but currently running my own clan 

would join if I wasn’t though soz 


22nd Jul 2019 - 6:05pm

I am a regular fortnite player and my fortnite(epic) id is: JAGUAR_AVI

Looking for a good clan BTW.


2nd Jul 2019 - 12:49am

You guys should put apex up on here, would be a great way to get in more players, looks like a good offer nonetheless


30th Jun 2019 - 10:39pm

yeah why did u invite me to your clan... your not the only people who've asked me for some reason


19th Jun 2019 - 4:14am

I'm looking for a freind to play Monster hunter world with me. Would you kindly invite me your clan?


13th Jun 2019 - 6:32am


I would like to have an invite if possible!!! I'm very interested in getting into your clan. I'm playing Battlefront II :).

Thank you very much!!!


23rd May 2019 - 10:49pm

Hey clan my username on fortnite is KHAIRALLAH26 and i am almost online every week for these couple of weeks because my igcse s and i ll always be online after the exams so i am 16 and i would love to join the clan


22nd May 2019 - 5:29am

i got invited to the clan an it said your now in the clan


14th May 2019 - 4:52am

I've been invited to this clan. I'm a non-toxic, 13-year-old Fortnite player with strong building/editing skills. My combat skills are decent, but I do learn quick. The rest is in my bio and listing. Please accept me into the clan. Thanks.


14th May 2019 - 12:51am

Hi, I got invited in this clan. My username for fortnite is ShoTz Aspectix.  My discord is ShoTz Aspectix #7829.


10th May 2019 - 2:51am

Can I be in the clan I play on switch, PS4, and mobile. I will respond in discord and I will be active on games. I can play casual or competitive, but I just mostly play for fun and try to have a good time. I’ve been looking for a clan for a while and I think I would like to be in this one. I also have a YouTube channel but I don’t post often and I don’t have very good clips on there.


28th Apr 2019 - 4:16pm

Hi I play fortnite whether competitive, fun and help people complete challenges


P.S. Your discord link is saying it has expired 


29th May 2019 - 2:38pm

Hello I am curious about your clan. I have been a member of the all girl clan PMS. I have also been the leader of 2 diamond division clans as well as a coed clan. I am looking for a clan that actually plays together and get along a clan that also have female gamers as well. I am a very seasoned gamer so team work is a must for me. I am a huge COD player on the PS4. I am also a Twitch affiliate and as much as I enjoy streaming. I find that streaming is more fun when playing with a squad.


15th Apr 2019 - 8:59am

Hi, i got and invitation to this clan,sounds interesting,so i want to apply  and try to enter to it,hope theres still space on GRM :v No pun intended

i have Mic
play league and CSGO

im 20 if that matters of course


12th Apr 2019 - 3:31am

Never mind I see you guys do fortnite I don’t have a discord tell me if I need one?


8th Apr 2019 - 2:27am

Looking for a clan to play rainbow 6, Fortnite, and CS:GO with on Xbox AND soon PC.

I also got invited. If I join, my name will be GRM_Polar.

Matthew Ristov

7th Apr 2019 - 8:27pm

I want to join but dont know how im very decent at fortnite and good scrim player looking for a help 

Username on fortnite and epic games :Atlantis_Matthew