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Team 90

Mission Statement

                Introducing Team 90

[Hiring Staff + Tryouters]

Hello! We're Team 90. We're trying to expand so we can give many people oppurtunities. Formed by me, a semi-pro gamer. We offer oppurtunities to play competitively with partners or no partners in Fortnite! Join us now! We have much more to offer.

What else we offer:


- Daily Zonewars (Fortnite)

- Coaches

- A community

- An oppurtunity to play competitively in tournaments.

- Free VFX (coming soon!)


Join us NOW by DMing freeezy is dogshit#4247 on Discord!

We look forward to seeing you!

- Kindest Regards, T90 Freeezy :)




Psych tv

7th Jan 2020 - 5:50pm

Hi i'm Psych! I just want's to be better at this game and play with people like me.

I would like to try out team 90. PS i'm a kid so don't be shocked i'm actully good!

My fortnite username is Psych tv


4th Jan 2020 - 10:02pm

I am interested in Team 90

I am a Nintendo Switch Fortnite player and I play NA EST

I am a decent player even with the struggles of playing on Nintendo Switch.

My editing isn't the best but, my aim and building is better than most people's.


1st Jan 2020 - 3:47pm


I am Intrested in Joining your clan

i am a small dutch Yt content creator but im very passionate about it (also not english so my typing issnt the best :/)

Im a Decent and a bit sweaty Fortnite player

I hope iam accepted 




1st Jan 2020 - 9:42pm

Hello i am a stream/comp player and would love to be apart of this team. I stream almost daily and do tournaments every over day. Im English and i have a duo that would also like to join the team thanks for your time.



31st Dec 2019 - 3:23pm

I would like to try out/join Team 90, I tried to add you on discord but it didn't work