Mission Statement
Introducing Team 90
[Hiring Staff + Tryouters]
Hello! We're Team 90. We're trying to expand so we can give many people oppurtunities. Formed by me, a semi-pro gamer. We offer oppurtunities to play competitively with partners or no partners in Fortnite! Join us now! We have much more to offer.
What else we offer:
- Daily Zonewars (Fortnite)
- Coaches
- A community
- An oppurtunity to play competitively in tournaments.
- Free VFX (coming soon!)
Join us NOW by DMing freeezy is dogshit#4247 on Discord!
We look forward to seeing you!
- Kindest Regards, T90 Freeezy :)
I am interested in Team 90
I am a Nintendo Switch Fortnite player and I play NA EST
I am a decent player even with the struggles of playing on Nintendo Switch.
My editing isn't the best but, my aim and building is better than most people's.
Psych tv
Hi i'm Psych! I just want's to be better at this game and play with people like me.
I would like to try out team 90. PS i'm a kid so don't be shocked i'm actully good!
My fortnite username is Psych tv