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The Void

Mission Statement

The Void

We are ONE

Enter The Void, a place built on FAMILY and CAMARADAERIE. The Void was formed to create a positive and engaging environment for gamers. From these humble beginnings The Void has grown into an organization unlike any other. The Void is made up from a variety of different backgrounds and each individual brings a unique element to the table which allow us to thrive and grow. We unite under the common vision of honor, integrity, and fair play, The Void continues to adapt itself to the ever-changing landscape of gaming.

With a solid foundation in its Code of Ethics, The Void has weathered the storms that have seen so many others fall. The Void is a home for those tired of compromise. This is an organization of loyal and dedicated members that hold each other to the highest standards. Surround yourself with people that think first of the greater good and understand the meaning of teamwork. Join a clan of like-minded gamers, but also find a family.

If you're looking for a active friendly community then you're at the right place; you will not join and be ignored, you will be welcomed in and feel free to tell us your skills within communities and we will get you to the correct squad.

  • Do you want people to play with? Apply Today!
  • Do you like to stream? Come on over!
  • Are you looking for a place to bring your friends together with like minded respectable people? This is the place for you!
  • Are you good with making profile pics and banners? Can you design merch? Come on over!

At The Void we can help you become what you want to be! We are growing everyday and need your help! Are you tired of seeing these communities that have 500+ members with no activity? So were we. We made a change to our community removing all inactive members. We have now decided to implement a quality over quantity rule of thumb. That doesn’t mean your game skill that means your qualities as a person and your ability to be active within the community. We do our best to accept everyone but we will only be actively keeping people who are active weekly.


  • We expect that our members will be a step above the general internet population. Mature and professional people who expect more from gaming
  • Teamwork, trust, and communication are essential for the group to achieve more. We must continually improve in these traits
  • Being "the best" in game is more than just statistics. Honorable conduct, a positive culture, and rejection of toxic influences must come first
  • That we should welcome new players and help them integrate into the gaming scene and the community, so that the whole may benefit
  • We do not mandate participation in competition activities, but for those who wish, we will provide a platform for them to achieve excellence
  • Above all, we must preserve our guiding principles, even in the face of difficult challenges, to carry forward our community into the future


  • Integrity: Adhere to the playbooks and the code of conduct when gaming casually or competitively
  • Humility: Be humble. All players are equal; no one is lesser than another
  • Honor: Always do the right thing regardless of the potential outcomes
  • Respect: Show appreciation and recognition to your fellow players. Do not bad-mouth your teammates, opponents, or anyone else
  • Courage: Fight on no matter how bad the odds. The best stories in sports are the comebacks
  • Discipline: Grind for your goals. Create new goals, as you become more successful. Push yourself to be a better gamer. Grit counts
  • Compassion: Be understanding to all your fellow players. Our sport is young, and we should be focused on growing the ecosystem. Endeavor to be the tide that rises all boats

If you want to put your time and energy into another small, fly-by-night "clan" that will be gone in a couple months, then The Void is not for you. However, if you are up to the challenge of taking part in a real online community of dedicated gamers that have bonded together with a common purpose of more organized fun and better gaming, all while kicking everyone else's rear-ends on the field, then this is the place for you.


The Void offers a full ranking structure for members who seek leadership and wish to build up on their leadership skills. If someone wishes not to use the ranking structure, we do offer a basic Member rank. This is for the casual gamer. You are still considered a member of The Void and still placed in a Team/Squad, however you won't work your way up the ranking structure. If you change your mind down the road and wish to utilize the ranks, we can make that happen.

We offer opportunities for players to do more and be more - whether it's learning valuable leadership development skills, artistic and technical skills, networking and interpersonal techniques, or having someone to turn to when the struggle is too much. In joining The Void, you are joining a legacy. What will be your contribution to the legend?

We are here to help gamers excel in the world of gaming and every other aspect of life. We aim to help gamers find new opportunities in gaming, as well as improve their gaming experience in an atmosphere built around friends, fun, and for the sake of creating good times with people from all parts of the world. We as a community are dedicated to expanding gamers' knowledge of gaming in order to help them reach their personal maximum potential in all types of games. This community is here to provide help for new and old gamers all around the world’s gaming community.


  • Call of Duty
    • Modern Warfare II
    • Modern Warfare III
    • Black Ops 6
    • Vanguard
    • Black Ops: Cold War
    • Warzone
    • Modern Warfare
    • Black Ops 6
  • Rocket League
  • Valorant
  • Diablo: Immortal
  • Fortnite
  • Rainbow Six: Siege
  • Halo Infinite
  • Apex Legends
  • Roblox
  • Minecraft
  • Overwatch 2

    • League of Legends
    • Heroes of the Storm
    • DOTA
    • DOTA 2 
  • RTS

    • WarCraft (I,II,III)
    • StarCraft (I,II)
    • Age of Empires (I,II,III)
    • Age of Empires IV (Coming Soon)
    • Age of Mythology
    • Dawn of War (I,II,III)


  • Xbox
    • One
    • Series S
    • Series X
  • PlayStation:
    • 4
    • 5
  • PC
    • Windows
    • OSX


  • North America
  • Europe
  • Asia
  • Oceania


  • Casual
  • Competitive
  • Pro


We have both competitive and casual teams spread over various games listed above in our community positioned all around the world, as well as divisions on all platforms which provides a warm and welcoming family-based environment for all gamers to be brought into no matter what race, gender, religious affiliation, or nationality they belong to. It is a goal far too uncommon in the gaming community and is not often honestly sought. But what truly differentiates us is our belief in catering to a diversity of regions and cultures. Furthermore, this community is the perfect abode for anyone wishing to escape the lulls of silly clan probation periods, distinct divides in community ranks, unrealistic demands of attendance, and continual ugliness of clan wars.


Reason #1 Family. Nowadays, all you see is the constant disrespect between people. Whether it is due to the difference in their personal background, race, heritage, life choices, and so on. All that seems to happen is the exhibition of constant hatred from people.

Our leaders teach, as well as show their members that no matter who we are or where we are from, we can all be a family in this community. We treat each other with respect, help each other in troubling times, work with each other to solve common problems, and reach our goals as one family.

Reason #2 
Dedication. No matter what has happened, the members of the community have a habit of standing by, and supporting the community and its leaders. It has been that way since day one. Now, that my friend, is the definition of dedication. The leaders of this community work hard to instill in its members the importance of taking pride in who you are [self-worth], and standing by what you believe in [integrity]. These are definitely amazing qualities to have.

The Leaders and members of The Void are constantly working together to improve the community, to provide an exceptional gaming experience for its members. 

Reason #3 
Responsibility. Through our Team Operations ranks, responsibilities are divided among each rank, as each rank has its own duties. This teaches members to value responsibility and take advantage of it. As a high-ranking member, one can oversee up to every member of the community. This is responsible for not only yourself as a member, but for other members of the community. This is because a decision that you make can affect many other people. That definitely helps put things into perspective.

Reason #4 
Fun. The reasons why you should join this community would not be complete if we left out the biggest part of the community. At the end of the day, our members really know how to have fun. Whether it is a meeting, game night, or a tournament, even if you’ve had a crappy day, we know how to lift each other up when we are down.

This family is built around having fun, regardless of the type of gaming you do; competitive, casual, and any other gaming there is, just have fun.

Reason #5 Opportunities. There are a lot of opportunities within The Void. The three main sides to The Void are Team ops (operations), web ops, and the competitive aspect. If an individual wants to join The Void for, let’s say, a competitive team, we have those. The possibilities are endless as The Void caters to all types of wants and needs of the members of its community.

Reason #6 Sponsors. The Void is widely known for having a lot of sponsors. With these sponsors, it shows that The Void has the backing of numerous companies that trust The Void and its leadership. Sponsors include:, Captis, and Rogue Energy

Reason #7 Updates. The Void has a news team. The news team talks about a wide range of topics like game reviews, interviews with members of the community across platforms, etc. The news team writes about the big announcements in The Void, as well as to keep all The Void members updated on various aspects of the community. In essence, with the news team, members of the The Void community can expect the best game reviews, interviews, and other updates about the community.

Reason #8 Leadership. In all aspects of the community, The Void takes pride in its leadership. Besides building up great, hardworking, and nice people through the ranks to build and manage divisions, some of what you learn in The Void can be implemented in real life. There are many members who praise The Void for helping them in real-life situations because being a leader in The Void trains them to think and react to situations better.

Reason #9 Activity. The Void is constantly having tournaments, game nights, and everything in between to continue to keep the active and moving. The Void is a very active community, we have succeeded this far on bringing members; new and old, together to have a great gaming experience. Every division must have at least two cross squad game nights, or division, to ensure constant activity all round the week and make The Void grow throughout.

Reason #10 Fun. To get straight to the point, The Void offers a safe gaming environment for players to join, meet friends, compete, and generally enjoy the game. Join the ranks today.



Clan Upvotes


3rd Place (Large Clans)

For coming 3rd place in the monthly top large clans vote.

4th Place (Top 10)

For coming 4th place in the monthly top clans vote.

Recommended Clan

This clan is recommended by LFC

Games Played



19th Jun 2021 - 11:22pm

Hi there Void. My wife and i, would love to join ... ID : Biter3014 and Nibbles9430. We play mainly play warframe all day long. Only time i or she is not active is when we are working. 


Thanks in advance.




31st May 2021 - 9:13pm

Hey! My name is Proxylo. I play on Xbox. I am very interested in trying out for your clan! I am currently a Champ 1 in Rocket League but am very eager to progress to Grand Champ by the end of the season. I believe I can do this with the help of you and your clan members!


10th May 2021 - 9:43pm

Hi, im trying to join this clan, so how do i join, i play cold war and im pretty good at it, im just trying to find a team to join : )


7th May 2021 - 8:11am

Hi I’m in the discord but I don’t know how to apply or join, I’m guessing this is it, I play fortnite competitively but also enjoy having fun in other games like GTA and minecraft I’ve been in the server a while and I love the aptmosphere of it so I’d like to join. I also play on Xbox my user being the same as this!


1st May 2021 - 3:17am

Hello Void I am BrendozerW I play Fortnite on PS4 and I’m looking to get better. I really don’t play arena but would like to start I’m interested in clan and I’m ready to play. If you wish to contact me my discord is BrendozerW#2480


28th Apr 2021 - 8:21pm

Hi Void! My name is Blox! I would be super interested in trying out if you are. I play Apex Legends, Valorant, (not that good though)  and sometimes Fortnite. I have 19k+ Lifetime kills on Apex and have played competitive before. I really need ranked teammates also that actually have SKILL. I am currently Platinum II. Also, Is there an age requirement to join?

Discord: bloxTheSpud#8858 

Instagram: bloxTheSpud


27th Apr 2021 - 4:51am

Hello Void, I am interested to try out for  this clan. I love playing Valorant and Fortnite. You can contact me on discord my username is Itachi Uchiha#5531. 


I am not a pro player I want to learn and stuff (in Valorant). I am pretty good at Fortnite



24th Apr 2021 - 8:53pm

Hello Void, I am 1000% interested in trying out for this clan. I have been streaming since this January and I love playing Apex Legends this most. Second to that would most likely be Rainbow Six: Siege. If you wish to contact me on Discord my username is PsycchTTV. 

Thanks, Psycch