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Warriors of the Way

Mission Statement


Warriors of the Way is a growing U.S.A Christian Gaming Clan devoted to God and honoring Him by how we play. Whether playing with other clan mates, or playing solo we strive to walk down the path of righteousness. We're not perfect, but God molds us into His creation each day. Email me if interested at [email protected]

Clan Rules:

  1. To foster an active clan, we employ a 60-day kick policy (unless admins are notified).
  2. This is a Christian clan. We strive to act like Christ, including humility, edification, and helping others.
  3. No sexism, racism, harassment, bullying, insulting, any cursing, or vulgarity will be tolerated (mic or chat). Immediate kick.
  4. Non-Christians that choose to join the clan must accept that Christian faith-based conversations are encouraged.  Criticizing or disrupting the discussion will result in an immediate kick.
  5. Engage with other clan members, participate in events (with mic if possible), and subscribe to Band - our online community.

"Whatever you do [no matter what it is] in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus [and in dependence on Him], giving thanks to God the Father through Him."
Colossians 3:17





13th Jul 2020 - 10:01pm

Hello, I would like to speak with the owner of this clan. I am the leader of Christian Fortnite Gaming. We are a new clan with only eight members so far. We play fortnite, not warframe, but as we share some similarities each other, and I was curious if you would be interested in maybe combining or working together somehow. The reason I created my clan is because as an active Christian I was searching for a Christian Fortnite clan and could not find one, as faith in e-sports clans is disturbingly low. I understand if you're not interested at all but I am looking to expand our clan in any way possible and even though you don't play fortnite and you're not looking for a clan either, you are one of the people who I am most interested in that I have found on this site. is the link to our discord and I am Derek that is the best way of contacting me I will say that well before I see a reply to this comment. And even if you have no interest as a word advice from another follower of Christ, your clan has no links and therefore no way to join it so if you want people to join you need a discord or a website or something that they can go to join. Good luck in your travels- Derek.