Mission Statement
HI Everyone. Discord link - https://discord.gg/qp7gvaf4bz
Welcome to the Gaming Lounge!🤝
The gaming Lounge is for all gamers/Streamers who are willing to support one another on everything. If you are down to support each other on there live streams to get affiliated/partnered , following one another, following each other on twitch, stopping by each other’s streams, subscribing to each other on YouTube, raiding one another and being loyal to each other! Then the gaming lounge will be for you! 🙂
we only want people to join the server if they are down to help support each other. This way everyone in the gaming Lounge will grow bigger and better together! They will also make great friendships.💚
Will be found in our discord server!
u must be 2 years old if you expect them to straight away pay you, no one is going to do that and looking at username i can tell that your not even past open league, so just stop expecting to get paid and making that a requirement cause u won't find ANYONE who would want to pay u. Its the equivalent of throwing money away for them. Unless you have something to offer to them like popularity or high placement u ain't getting a cent, your basically just asking for money and giving nothing back in return.
hello there!
I wanna join a clan for competitive gaming
my username on psn is UseCodeKiki the first u c and k are caps
Hello I am a good fortnite player and would like to take that a step further by joining a clan could I try out for this clan. You can add me on Xbox @HollowTurtle321
Hi there, if you could click on our link it should work or click at the top where it says discord. That will take you into our discord server. If you still have a problem let me know again and I will add you're name on discord and send you our link that way. Thanks 😊👍
let me join i'm great at the game. ready to try out add me on epic or ps4 @xDcodaz or @Egirl-trippy
i'm a great player,nice,funny,a good trickshotter,not toxic,and a youtuber come check me out when i'm streaming!! i talk to everyone that joins me and i might add you to play with me.btw happy halloween!
Can't my discord isn't working as of right now but fill free to add me on epic or playstation @xDcodaz .
In the easy system I have got the information which is very useful for me every time windows 10 internet explorer. Various time I want to come on this article which is really very wonderful for me. Thanks a lot
We could collaborate with each other to help you achieve your dream of being a part of something great I make custom video edits +custom thumbnail and other things you can check my biography for more and if your pleased and want to work with me, cooperatively contact me through my
e-mail: [email protected]
Thanks and regards,
- pro_edited
Highly recommend this clan been in it for only a day and everyone is super friendly and funny. It's not toxic at all and for all the questions about the discord scroll up and there is a discord tab at the top. :)
I am a ps4 streamer on twitch, i am a great builder on fortnite, but my aim can use some help.
Hello! I would like to join you're fortnite clan. I am a decent fortnite player and average kills are 13 kills. I do die a lot but sometimes I get wins. Current wins on duos : 1 win (no fill), Squad : 2 ( fill ), LTM : 6 wins ( no fill ) I am the age of 9 and really sweaty sometimes ._. I also fail my 90s a bit which is frustrating when i'm in a build fight. I hope I can get in. Add me on fortnite with the name : TSC_JangFang. (Yes i have been in a clan and did not change my name for reasons. That clan is ded now lol. So that's why I am here. Thank you. )
Hi! Im TSM RoyaL. I am in Team SoloMid XBL clan. We are a version on TSM Jr but Xbox. And, I was wondering if I could join your clan? I do not have a lot of wins. I have had my account for 3 months and I have 7. But I am really good and I am a Season 1 player. Feel free to message me and we can play! - RoyaL
Can I pls join your clan im not the best player but I want to join a clan to get better and i play fortnite on ps4? So can you pls get me in the clan? And my ps4 name is misterrrcreep same on fortnite.👍🏻👍🏻
Hi, I just wanna know if we get any pay for it, if we do I will join straight away! My epic is KingofCringe984 (I will be happy to change that btw) and my Xbox live is KingofCringe#984, feel free to add me if I join. I'm really good at the game, and completely non toxic.
Hope to hear from you soon. Thx 😁