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Top 10 Clans - October 2021

Top 10 Clans - October 2021

1st Nov 2021 - 12:51am

This is the the official Looking For Clan top 10 clans list for October 2021.

Congratulations to last month's top clans:

League: All Clans

  1. Winter Clan (208 Votes)
  2. Fate Gaming LLC (137 Votes)
  3. Seismic (40 Votes)
  4. (29 Votes)
  5. SOF TAC Recruiting (23 Votes)
  6. Team Sentric (17 Votes)
  7. MYTHRIL: The Premier Gaming Community for Adults [18+|NA|PC] (14 Votes)
  8. Scarred Wolfpack Gaming (14 Votes)
  9. Drip Gang (13 Votes)
  10. Diatech Esports (10 Votes)

League: Small Clans

  1. Hellraising Gaming™ (6 Votes)
  2. Cyberdeth (5 Votes)
  3. Sixth Nation Gaming (4 Votes)
  4. Deep Rift (4 Votes)
  5. Eon Gaming Recruiting! (4 Votes)

League: Medium Clans

  1. SOF TAC Recruiting (23 Votes)
  2. Team Sentric (17 Votes)
  3. MYTHRIL: The Premier Gaming Community for Adults [18+|NA|PC] (14 Votes)
  4. Vertic (3 Votes)
  5. Zero Degrees (1 Votes)

League: Large Clans

  1. Winter Clan (208 Votes)
  2. Fate Gaming LLC (137 Votes)
  3. Seismic (40 Votes)
  4. (29 Votes)
  5. Drip Gang (13 Votes)

The vote count has been reset. Start promoting your clan today and earn votes for this month's top clans league.




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