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About Coletrain3769

I am and have been an Xbox One member since Xbox was around, got every Xbox Console and most of the top games the brand has come out with! I love Xbox and can't wait to purchase the next generation console codenamed Xbox Anaconda or Xbox Scarlett the premium console on my sweet 4K HDR SMART TV! I Currently have an Xbox One X and love Destiny 2, soon to be The Division 2, like Halo, Gears Of War, Crackdown 3, Forza, etc! I am a no quit never give up Gamer, would be nice to have other Gamers to roll and team with in Destiny 2, for Raids, Nightfalls Gambit, the open world, crucible, public events to have a good time! Being by myself sucks I've tried others to team with but no one really talks, only associate with there friends!

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