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Sinister Misfits Initiative

About Sinister Misfits Initiative

We are a multiple Division clan which is based in the US. We also have an EU Division that has members from the UK, Australia, Netherlands, Spain and many more regions. We have 2 separate Divisions to keep connections strong, so you have the option to play with members in other regions but you would be in the Discord server that belongs to where you're based. I founded the clan a year ago, we switched names about 4 months after we were founded. At least 95% of our original member base is with us still. Some members have even left to join other clans and then come back to us. That says alot. I founded this clan to build a strong foundation with respect, tolerance and fun. We are more of a family than a clan. When you join us, you'll find it feels like coming home. We are currently recruiting for WWII and Blacks Ops 4. So if you've been looking for a tight knit group, you have a sense of humor, love to play and have fun but still pubstomp... now is the time to apply.